Impulses & Perspectives - The Expert Talk in Times of Crisis hosted by Dr Nikolai A. Behr

Dr. Marc Szepan - The future of air travel, Boeing, Airbus and the aviation industry after Covid-19

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Dr. Marc Szepan - The future of air travel, Boeing, Airbus and the aviation industry after Covid-19 What will the future of the aviation industry look like after corona? Dr. Marc Szepan, lecturer in International Business at the University of Oxford, Said Business School, was an executive manager in the airline industry. He is an expert for technical and digital aviation businesses and gives in the DIKT Expert-Talk with Host Nikolai A. Behr an outlook of the possible scenarios for the airline and aircraft industry after the Covid-19 lockdown.

✈️How will air travel change for the passengers after Corona? ✈️How will the future for the airliners look like? ✈️ How will the European suppliers and producers for aircrafts develop in the upcoming years? ✈️Will the crisis help Boeing with their recent 737 Max problems (or will it make the situation even worse)? ✈️What are the effects of Corona for Airbus? ✈️How will the prices for ticket evolve in the next months? ✈️Which of the big airlines will disappear from the market?

airlines #aviation #airtravelrestart


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